Although we shared our Thanksgiving meal with Jill and Rich early on the Sunday, the real celebration of Thanksgiving Day was 22 November. I believe that this day is traditionally a day of thanks to God for preserving the first Christian colonists who came to America and survived that first winter. It is usually a meal from foods native to the New World, they may have shared this meal with the local Indians who had helped them through the winter.
Jill and Daena cooked an 11 lb turkey stuffed with lemons, celery and onion in a turkey bag. Then they made some stove top stuffing and mashed potato. They also cooked mashed yam (a kind of sweet potato) and baked this with white marshmallows on top. Whole corn was a separate dish. There was gravy too. Rich carved the turkey as he has done every year; he learnt this special method from his dad. He separated out the white from the red meat. We sat down for the meal at 7pm with two bottles of wine.
It was great meeting up with Daena's parents again; we'd met them in early 2011 when Jill had been one of the Pro-life speakers that Andrew had brought out to New Zealand. Now we met them as family and shared Andrew, Daena and Levi. We are learning about their way of life and language. The differences may be minor but they certainly can cause some confusion. Sometimes Jill calls for an interpreter so she can follow the conversation. We have the benefit of watching and listening to years of US TV programming.
The following week was Andrew's birthday and Daena was keen to take Andrew on a tour of a boutique brewery in Fort Worth. This they did after driving for miles - as they do in the US - to check out a vehicle that we were looking at purchasing. We got horribly lost and only just made it to the brewery in time for the tour. The multiple tastings were 10 oz each, so the family decided to cut their tour short; one was plenty!
Our next port of call was at the Water Gardens in downtown Fort Worth. These deep architectural concrete pools and fountains surrounded by large trees are designed to provide a variety of cool experiences for the overheated citizens when the temperatures reach the 40s in the summer. In an older part of Fort Worth we visited the Stockyards, where most people were wearing Western outfits, Cowboy boots and Stetsons. The state of Texas has a lone star symbol and it is on display everywhere; even carved multiple times into the freeway girders.
Daena had heard of a popular Mexican restaurant so we had a very scrumptious meal there including soft, fresh, corn tortillas and Margaritas. The folks at the neighbouring table were so fascinated that we were from New Zealand that they insisted on ordering us another round of drinks.
Levi helping change the wheel nut on the Sienna |
It's amazing for us to have Andrew driving us so competently in and around this huge metropolis; in and out of the spagetti junctions, on and off freeways and all at such speed in busy traffic. Great though to see all the different sights and all the drive-ins; even drive-in banks.
As for the weather there has been an unusual Indian summer here with hot days in the 70Fs, that's over 20C. Interestingly Alex tells me that they, in Perth, are experiencing an unusually cool spring. So all this is for the better for all of us and we are enjoying the warmth while we are about to miss the New Zealand summer. So I have been able to go out during the day with no cardigan. Also we have had no rain and we have been here nearly 4 weeks.
Surprisingly huge flocks of large black birds emerge in the early evenings, these may be Great-tailed Grackles; they fill the sky and then descend into one or two trees.
There is so much that is new and interesting and we are enjoying the challenges of it all every day.
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